Price: 10.99
10'' Cheese Pizza
Slice Rating:
Kelsey's Take:
Since 1977 they've been cooking up pizza for Dubuque and there is no wonder that Mario's is still around. This small, hole-in-the-wall restaurant is deceiving from the outside, for inside it is just bursting with tradition. You can tell that there are "regulars" that come here, the place just gives off this vibe of "When you're here, You're family," something that the Olive Garden tries for, but never quite achieves. While we debated over what to order, asking what their "Pizza Bread" was, instead of having it described to us, a friendly near-by diner said, "Here! try some of mine!" offering her own basket of pizza bread to us. (Which, Oh my gosh! was amazing!) Everything in this restaurant, or as it more felt, this "Grandma's Italian Kitchen," was homemade/handmade, and believe me, you could tell. This was probably one of the best homemade pizza's that I have ever had. from the thin, crispy, bread crust on the bottom, the delicious tomato sauce in the middle to the perfect array of cheeses on top, this pizza knew what was up. Each bite was different and just as good as the one before it. It bordered the line between "eat me with a fork," and "eat me with your hands" perfectly. Nothing was overpowering about this pizza as it all worked so well together, enticing you for just one more slice. Even when it was down to the last one and we were both full, we knew that there was no way we were leaving the table without that slice in one of our bellies. This was my kind of pizza, i only wish i knew about this place sooner.
7 slices out of 8
Adam's Take:
Cheese pizza always feels a bit lacking. I mean the cheese is going to be on the pizza already why not spruce it up a bit. The only way you can make a cheese pizza stand out is by add more cheese, but that can backfire really easy and have you backed-up for days. Mario's manages to avoid the pitfalls of the standard cheese pizza and deliver the right amount of mozzarella to the pie to give you just the right amount of cheese. I really like this dish, but unlike Kelsey this isn't my kind of pizza. I give the pizza a rating of 5 slices out of 8 and Mario's an overall rating of 5 stars out of 5.
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